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August 28, 2018 2 min read 1 Comment

Calling all animal lovers! You know who you are. Yes, the people who stop to pet every dog they pass, and watch every wildlife video that ends in smiles...or happy tears.

We've collected our best animal - real and fantasy - project tutorials and templates for you. From four legs to one horn, we have a library, or should I say zoo, of cool 3D printing pen challenges.

Here are the best of the best when it comes to your list of cute, cuddly, creepy and celebratory.

1. Dolphin - These lovable creatures of the sea are both playful and intelligent. In our 3D pen tutorial we make them out of thermal, color-changing filament, so that's also playful and intelligent.

2. Whale - In keeping with the aquatic life theme, we have the blue whale - AKA the largest creature to ever live on Earth. That's huge. 

3. Turkey - This guy came pretty close to becoming the US national bird, but instead we eat them ceremoniously ever November. Bird is the word. 

4. Unicorn - Even though this is a mythical creature, we had to include it because it's thought to hold the power to divine truth. We also heard it poops rainbows. Truth? You decide.

how to make 8 animals with a 3D printing pen | Video tutorials and instructions from MYNT3D | Top gifts for kids in middle school boys and girls screen free activities

5. Dog - It's all puppy love with this popular pet. Our four-legged friend can be modified to look like your favorite breed.

6. Llama - This may or may not look like a certain  video game llama, cough, loot. We assure you with some creative filament color tweaks it'll look like the real deal, no prob llama. 

7. Dragon - Here we go again confusing real animals and fantasy, but this guy is breathing fire for goodness sake - we had to include him. Don't want to upset the dragon, and how else are you going to free the princess? Exactly. 

8. T-Rex Dinosaur - Here comes the most ferocious, disproportionate dino of all time, but who's judging. Let its enormous head and teeth do the balancing. Just be sure to draw on gnarly teeth and you've captured this prehistoric wonder in 3D. 

1 Response


December 16, 2019

j’aimerais avoir les stencils pour nous aider à les faire s.v.p

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